Francini Inc. Blog


Working With an Architect for Your Business

23 Feb, 2017 | Lifestyle |

Whether you are moving into a new space that needs some modifications, or renovating your existing business space, it is always a good idea to hire a design professional to help you through the process. An architect is a great resource for practical space layouts, structural concerns, mechanical systems, and finishes. Your architect can be the point person who works with engineers, interior designers, contractors, and building officials to coordinate the project.

Project Program

When working with an architect, expect that you will have to take some time to sit down with him or her to design a program based on your space requirements, budget, time frame, and overall feel of the environment. He will take this information, often called a wish list, and prepare a proposal for your approval.

Design Phase

Once you and your architect have agreed on the project requirements, his team will prepare design drawings for you to approve or ask for revisions. He should offer suggestions on materials, such as flooring, ceiling finishes, and cabinetry. He might ask you to go shopping with him to look at larger items like kitchen countertops.

Construction Documents

Once the design is finalized, and all the materials are chosen, your architect will coordinate with your structural and mechanical engineers, and your decorator (if you have one) to prepare all the construction drawings and specifications for you to obtain bids for the actual construction.

Construction Observation

After the bids have been reviewed, the contractor is chosen, and permits are secured, your architect will assist with making sure the space is being built as drawn and specified. He will likely ask for weekly meetings with all parties to review the work, including you. He will approve the materials and any substitutions, make field decisions, and answer questions.

Working with an architect for your business renovation needs is a good investment. While you will be paying a fee for services, the professional expertise and peace of mind you get will be worth it in the long run. An architect may save you in additional costs due to unforeseen conditions or contractor error.

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