Francini Inc. Blog


New Year, New Kitchen

02 Jan, 2019 |

A brand new year is always a wonderful opportunity to get a fresh start. If you believe in the concept of "out with the old and in with the new," you should think about remodeling your kitchen.

Kick Off Your New Year

Kitchen renovation can kick off your year in the best possible manner. It doesn't matter if you want to do away with old food preparation habits that just aren't working for you or if you simply want to update the atmosphere of your kitchen, either. A kitchen renovation project can do you a lot of good. In fact, it can do your entire household a lot of good as well.

Sparkling new countertops can give your food preparation space a new lease on life. Old and tired countertops that are full of scrapes, stains and imperfections in general aren't exactly visually enticing.

You Have Options

If you're thinking about changing up your existing countertops, there are all sorts of incredible options accessible to you. LUCASTONE™, porcelain and granite countertops can all take your kitchen to the next level. These countertop materials can be terrific for people who are searching for all kinds of positive qualities. If you like the idea of a countertop that's sophisticated, simple to maintain, resilient, welcoming and memorable all at the same time, LUCASTONE™, porcelain and granite options should all be ideal for you.

LUCASTONE™ countertops aren't porous at all. They're not vulnerable to staining, either. Porcelain countertops, on the other hand, are a piece of cake to keep in tiptop condition. They're incredibly tough as well. Granite countertops, last but certainly not least, are powerful and can tolerate a lot.

We’re Here To Help

If you want more information about kitchen remodeling projects and similar topics, call the amiable and knowledgeable team at Francini Inc. Marble & Granite. We can't wait to talk to you about remodeling work.


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