Francini Inc. Blog


A Closer Look At Limestone

04 Oct, 2017 | Limestone |

What is Limestone?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate. It forms in clear, warm, shallow marine waters. Limestone is usually an organic sedimentary rock that forms from years of buildup of shell, coral, algal, and other debris. It can also be a chemical sedimentary rock formed by the precipitation of calcium carbonate from lake or ocean water (many caverns are formed this way). Depending on the presence of certain materials, the appearance and characteristics of limestone can vary.

Pros / Cons of Limestone

Limestone is a very beautiful and popular material. But there are, like any other countertop options, pros and cons to using it.

On the one hand, limestone looks very clean and sophisticated, which can increase your home’s market value; however, limestone countertops are less durable and more susceptible to scarring than marble or granite. Limestone is also very vulnerable to acids. If the rock is not sealed properly, a single drop of lemon juice could etch the surface and leave permanent damage.

Limestone comes in a variety of colors and styles, and looks good in the bathroom and living room as well as the kitchen. But while limestone is cheaper than granite, it may cost more to maintain in the long run.

Cost range

Limestone costs can vary depending on your area. This sedimentary rock doesn’t form just anywhere, meaning that it must be exported to areas that do not have natural limestone formations. Costs also depend on how much you are buying and the quality of the material being purchased.

One square foot of limestone material costs an average of $60 to $80.

Taking Care of Limestone Countertops

Limestone easily stains, especially when acidic foods come into contact with the stone. When you install your limestone countertops, they should be professionally sealed. After that, limestone countertops should be resealed at least once a year to prevent staining.

Limestone countertops should never be cleaned with traditional kitchen cleaners. Avoid using sponges or cleaning supplies with rough surfaces, as they can potentially scratch the countertops. If you cannot find a cleaner designed specifically for limestone countertops, use a cleaner with a neutral pH level or mix mild detergent with warm water.

Limestone countertops scratch easily. To avoid this, it’s best to set down a place mat, cutting board, or some other buffer before doing work on the countertops. Also avoid placing objects such as keys or coins on the limestone countertops. If you find small scratches in your limestone, lightly buff them out with a fine steel wool. A small amount of polishing compound designed to take scratches off car doors or grout may also be applied to the scratch to remove it.

With limestone countertops, all spills must be cleaned up immediately. Limestone countertops are especially susceptible to stains from acidic liquids, such as lemon juice or black tea. Placing hot pots or pans on the countertop may also cause damage by burning or scorching the limestone underneath.

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